
Wedding in Italy: what about Liguria?

13 Novembre 2021
Wedding Italy

LIGURIA, the Italian Riviera

The region of Liguria is also known as the Italian Riviera and is well marked as a major tourist spot with famous resort towns sprinkled among fishing villages and rocky coastline.

This unique geography of mountains and sea has produced a climate and landscape that you would expect much further south in Italy. Palm trees, citrus fruits and olives share the terraced growing space with Liguria’s famous flower industry and more common northern species like chestnuts.

The Ligurian coast has always been very famous and much appreciated, for its typical small towns overlooking the sea, but also for its steep promontories and the inland full of real jewels.

It is a breathless place, where it is possible to admire the sunset sinking in the sea from the top of the cliffs.

Portofino is an ancient small fishing village located close to Genoa, and is one of the most romantic places in Italy. It is known all over the world for its secluded picturesque harbour, the beautiful beach area, the exclusive restaurants and hotels, and its historical association with celebrity and artistic visitors.

Another wonderful coastal area that is famous all over the world is Cinque Terre.

It is a district that is home to a National Park and a Marine Reserve, and encompasses 5 glorious and ancient towns.

The Cinque Terre offers beautiful panoramic footpaths with churches, oratories and old castles, diving, food and wines of first quality.

What do you think of a Ligurian wedding which features amazing views, small charming villages directly on the sea, colorful towns and unspoiled nature?

If this prospect appeals to you, stay tuned!

Next week we’ll show you one of the many lovely venues located in this area.

That’s all for now, have a good weekend!


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